IPA Civil Society and Media Programme 2020 Call for Proposals for Framework Partnership Agreements and associated annual operating grants
Publication Reference: EuropeAid/171328/DD/FPA/MK
The Delegation of European Union to Republic of North Macedonia is seeking proposals for strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations in the Republic of North Macedonia, advancing their role of competent, transparent, effective civil society actors that are accountable.
The specific objective(s) of this call for proposals is to support long-term commitment of civil society actors in giving citizens a voice to influence public sector reforms through evidence-based programs, analysis, monitoring, and concrete advocacy and action initiatives.
The current Call for Proposals seeks to establish partnerships with CSOs working in the following priority areas:
- Anti-discrimination ;
- Environmental protection & Climate change;
- Justice and rule of law;
- Anti-corruption, public procurement, transparency, effective oversight, and remedy;
- Quality in Education (formal and non-formal) and Inclusiveness;
- Public administration reform, recruitment, and services to citizens;
- Gender Equality and women rights;
- Consumer Rights, Health, Safety at work and Occupational Right, and Patients’ Rights;
- Fight against organised crime and Cyber security;
- Cultural Activism and Heritage.
The full Guidelines for applicants are available at the following address:
The deadline for submission of the application form for Framework Partnership Agreement is 05/08/2021 at 16:00 hrs (Brussels time).
An online information session will be organized in cooperation with the Civil Society Resource Centre on 07/07/2021 at 11:00 hrs at the following link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 8796 5867