Upcoming Events Archives - Europe House

Pub Quiz Europe House Strumica

Europe House Струмица и Паб Квиз Енигматик Ве покануваат на Квиз дружење.

Темата на првиот квиз ќе биде ОПШТА КУЛТУРА. Многу прашања и многу категории: Историја, Географија, Филм, Музика, Спорт, Литература и др.

Користење на мобилни телефони не е дозволено. Целта е да ги размрдаме нашите глави и да го извадиме знаењето кое не сме ни свесни дека го имаме.

За најдобрата екипа следува симболична награда. Ако сакате да избегате од секојдневието и да поминете 2 часа во прекрасна атмосфера и натпреварувачки дух, придружете ни се.

String Mastery (Europe House Kriva Palanka)

Доколку од секогаш постоела желба во тебе да научиш да ја свириш омилената песна на гитара, да се пофалиш пред друштвото или пак да ја импресионираш симпатијата, тогаш работилницата за гитара е вистинското место да почнеш.

Дојди во дворчето на Europe House Крива Паланка и покажи ги своите способности, а доколку си почетник, нашите обучувачи за електрична и акустична гитара се тука да те научат на нови вештини. Како и да е, едно можеме да ти ветиме, а тоа е незаборавна работилница со многу забава. 🎶🎉


Топлите летни денови најубаво поминуваат во добро друштво и супер музика, затоа придружи ни се:
📅 26.07.2023 (среда)
🕒 18:30
📍 Europe House Крива Паланка

Гала новогодишен концерт (Филхармонија)

ИСТОК – Гала новогодишен концерт

Диригент: Мириан Кукунаишвили (Грузија)
Солисти: Милена Арсовска – сопран(Р.С.Македонија/Австрија)
Иван Наумовски – баритон(Р.С.Македонија/Австрија)

П.И. Чајковски : „Валцерот на цвеќињата“
Ј. Штраус II: „Мојот господар Маркиз“ арија од операта „Лилјакот“– сопран соло: Милена Арсовска
Ј. Штраус II: „Рози од југот“
Ц. Милокер:„Темно црвени рози“ – баритон соло: Иван Наумовски
Ј. Штраус II: „Виенска крв“ – дует: Милена Арсовска и Иван Наумовски
Ј. Тирсен: „Валцерот на Амелија“
E. Дога: „Грамофон валс“
А. Шнитке: „Валцер за збогување“ од симфониската поема „Приказна на непознатиот актер“
Р. Столц: „Се заљубив илјада пати“ – баритон соло: Иван Наумовски
Д. Шостакович: „Валцер“ бр. 2
A. Хачатуријан: „Маскарада валс“
Ф. Лехар: „Моите усни бакнуваат топло“ – сопран соло: Милена Арсовска
Ф. Лехар: „Тивки усни“ – дует: Милена Арсовска и Иван Наумовски
Х.К. Лумбије: „Шампањ галоп“

Culture and EU Funding: Possibilities for Engagement

An open call to all artists, theater-makers, musicians, producers, cultural workers and cultural institutions:

On October 14, starting at 17:30 in the premises of Europe House, we would like to invite you to an informative session that aims to raise awareness about the various European and national financial funds aimed to finance cultural and performance projects in North Macedonia. The event will also promote the Mobility Funding Guide for the Balkan Region, which will allow the participants to familiarize themselves with the mentioned funds, application methods, and the possibility of cooperation with other cultural institutions from Europe and the region. In addition, the event will offer an opportunity for conversation and potential networking of representatives from institutions from the independent scene and national cultural institutions who will be able to exchange their knowledge and practices.

The event will be led by Dr. Filip Petkovski, who took part of the Workshop for cultural mobility developers, supported by the organizations Motovila (Ljubljana) and On The Move (Brussels), which took place between September 26 and 28 in Ljubljana and Kranj, Slovenia.

*This dissemination activity is part of the On the Move multi annual work programme supported by the European Union.

Jazz for Kids

Skopje Jazz Festival in cooperation with Europe House Skopje invites all interested little jazzers to a workshop entitled “Jazz for Kids” – basics of jazz and improvisation through teaching, playing and practicing various percussion instruments (drums, percussion, bells, tambourines) etc.). The workshop will be led by famous jazz drummers Gotse Naumov (Macedonia) and Marjan Stanich (Slovenia).

Age: 5-12

Date: 15.10.2022 (Saturday)

Time: 12:00-1:30 p.m

Venue: Europe House Skopje

IMPORTANT! The workshop is free, but the number of places is limited to 15 children. Send your applications, which should contain the name and surname of the child + his age, to sjf@skopjejazzfest.com.mk no later than Friday, October 14, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. Priority during the selection will be given to those who apply the earliest.


Europe House and Skopje Marathon

On October 2, the most popular sports event in our country, the Skopje Marathon, will take place!
During the marathon, Europe House Skopje will be open to the public/marathon audience, offering content for both children and the general public, cheering support for the runners, music program and small gifts.
We invite you to cheer and show your support to the marathon runners while having fun:
– Open art workshops for small children with Dorothej Neshovski Art Studio (09:00 – 12:00)
*Two drawing workshops for children will be held simultaneously: one chalk drawing workshop on the Europe House sidewalk and one inside Europe House, with colored markers. Participating children (open to bystanders) will draw environmental motifs.
– Networking with the Young European Ambassadors
– DJ performance
– “Souvenirs from Skopje” – recognizable souvenirs with themes from Skopje landmarks, also creators of the Skopje Marathon medals, will be exhibited for those interested

#BeActive Day

As part of the European Week of Sports, we invite you to celebrate #BeActive Day together!
This is turning to be a tradition as we are approaching our third installment.  This day is part of a large European initiative that promotes a vision for more people across Europe and in our country to be more active and healthier.
For this occasion, on October 1 (Saturday) from 12:00, we are organizing a large scale event at several locations around the City Park in Skopje. The main activities will be at FC Rabotnicki, but please follow the map for other fun content throughout the park!
to engage and practice many disciplines!



On 12 August we celebrate the WORLD YOUTH DAY and together with our friends from the Center for research and analysis NOVUS and Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia – Municipal Organization Strumica we organize the first Youth Festival.

The Youth Festival will be attended by young people not only from Strumica, but from the entire Southeast region, where we will learn something new, network, make friends, have fun, and explore Strumica.

ℹ️ You can get more information and application for participation in the festival at the following link👇👇

🔗 https://forms.gle/oZTYTXmQZpjsFNsv8

𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒆𝒅 and follow us for the full festival program.

Youth Day 2022 – Youth Volunteerism and Green Activism

Location: House of Culture “Biljana Belicanec”, Kisela Voda, Skopje

International Youth Day is celebrated every year on the 12th of August, bringing youth needs to the attention of the community. Taking into consideration that sustainability and climate change are such big topics and have already been addressed by the European Union throughout the Green Deal and by announcing 2022 as a European Year of Youth (greener, more inclusive, and digital future) the organizations recognised the need to celebrate Youth Day in this very special way being focused on youth volunteerism and green activism.

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