Europe House Buzz December - Europe House

17 Jan


Europe House Buzz December

Europe House Buzz December

Vjosa Berisha – Team leader of Europe House

Dear readers of Europe House Buzz,

I am happy to start the year with great enthusiasm and pride, having in mind that we left behind a very successful year, despite the difficulties of the pandemic.

As we enter this New Year, we have already made plans for what will be happening in our house, and we are happy that our slogan – “Place for the new generation” – is in line with the planned activities.

There will be art exhibitions, film screenings, concerts, competitions, debates and discussions, and what is more important, we want to hear from you – what activities you want to see, and where you want to see Europe House in the future. Therefore, please log in to our freshly re-designed website or on our social media and give us your ideas!

The Green Deal campaign will also continue throughout the year, so issues related to the environment will be an important part of all our activities!

So please join us in our activities and let us know how we can make our work better and more impactful.
Wishing you a happy and healthy 2022! Don’t forget to check out the Buzz!

Vjosa Berisha

Team leader of Europe House

“You look beautiful today” – a story from another point of view

East Gate Mall Skopje hosted an exhibition of photography on the occasion of the International Human Rights day. The title “You look beautiful today!,” shows that the exhibition is focused on the eyes of extraordinary people, everyday heroes, and inspirational activists – people who fight for their rights and the rights of others every day.

The exhibition “You look beautiful today” is focusing on 12 people from our communities who act as drivers of change on a daily basis – whether it is by their birth or the way they choose to live their lives. They are students, coffee shop owners, anthropologists, PhD candidates, pianists, employees, members of family, and above all – they are all equal people.

By putting their eyes in the centre of attention, the exhibition is not only expressing their beauty but also intends to show the world from their point of view.

Big works of art speak for themselves, and this time we give room to the great masters to tell the story of their experience and the process of self-observation through the creation of this important urban, social, but also inclusive project. Behind the camera is Tatjana Rantasha, while the visual look of the exhibition was made by the designer Zoran Kardula.

About the inside experience of this photoshoot, and for the future collaborations, the photographer of the exhibition “You look beautiful today” – Tatjana Rantasha:

Europe House Skopje united film fans at the “European Film Week”

Europe House is focusing its camera on quality European art and it is always seeking to open new windows for greater availability of the European production. A BUZZ such as this was the European Film Week, which was held from 11 to 17 December in the Youth Cultural Center (YCC) in Skopje.

The programme included a screening of European films, awarded or selected from the A-lists from the Sundance festival, Cannes, Venice, Toronto, Karlovy Vary, San Sebastian, etc. The film selection was made in collaboration with the European Film Festival, as well as with film festivals in our country.  As always, we tried to reach young people’s ideas through debates on topics from the films, related to important cultural, social, economic, and general social issues.

There is no better person to speak on this topic than Margarita Arsova, the editor of the film programme of YCC, which welcomed our initiative to promote European Film culture in the country.

Bold questions were raised by the exhibition “The mystery behind woman’s look” by Erina Bogoeva

During the campaign “16 days of activism against gender-based violence” we talked with Erina Bogoeva, the photographer of the exhibition “The mystery behind woman’s look.”

“The beauty of a woman is not only her physical appearance. Rather, it pours out of her resilience, persistence, creativity, and dedication to fulfill her potential. All these things are present in a woman’s look, and regardless of what she is looking at, the eyes are firmly set on the ultimate goal.”

We promoted similar ideas in October, at the exhibition of photography “The Mystery of woman’s look” by Erina Bogoeva. We extended the exhibition with talks with some of the portraitists of this series of portraits of young and talented women – Natalija Teodosieva (actor), Ana Jakimska (director), Ksenija Nikolova (writer), Sim Saltirova (make-up artist), who, despite all limiting factors, leave a mark on our cultural milieu.

The creator of the exhibition, photographer Erina Bogoeva, answered questions regarding the personal accomplishments of the guests in their chosen creative professions, the obstacles they face as women, their future projects, and many more associated questions.

Huge BUZZ around “Inclusion Matters! – We are all equal!” event organized by Europe House Kriva Palanka

On the occasion of the World Day of persons with disabilities an inclusive and multimedia event was held entitled “Inclusion Matters! -We are all equal!.“ The event conveyed a strong and multifold message for preservation of the environment and a world of inclusivity!

Europe House Kriva Palanka supported an event that merged two important aspects, one of inclusivity and, secondly—but not less importantly—the responsible preservation of the environment. Among the many activities held within this event, young artists from the State high school of fine art and design “Lazar Lichenoski” drew murals in the centre with messages for the preservation of planet Earth.

Many activists, associations, embassies and municipalities actively participated in the event. (Pink Support, Association Handicap Plus, Horse Riding club Animals, Alliance for Regional and Civil Initiatives ARCI from Blagoevgrad, Municipality of Rankovce, Municipality of Kriva Palanka).


The Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria in our country and his wife Biljana Angelova were important participants in the event, both in the organization of the event and with their speeches. We are conveying the message of Biljana Angelova for Europe House BUZZ:

The creative explosion of youth channeled through “Europe House Talks”

Strumica has the reputation of being the most active town in our country, when it comes to cultural and urban living.  Like the spirit of the town, young people from Strumica are thirsty for new artistic trends and movements, and are open for new names in different areas. Europe House Strumica feels the BUZZ of young people, and that was the reason for organizing “Europe House Talks” with original content, opening up a wide variety of trending topics, mostly interesting for young people, but also the public in general. This talk-show has the intention to provoke talks with young people who want to be a part of the public life of the community, performing arts and other areas. Here they talk on topics such as the culture of performing arts in the EU countries, whether they can find similarities, how to improve, creativity, inspiration, inclusivity, etc.

The moderator of the show was Panche DIMOV, who brings new guests on every show and inspires young people from the region. This is his message and hope for the upcoming year 2022:

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